
Can God Heal My Mental Health?

Pastor Jonathan Stockstill • October 6

God’s word is alive and active, giving us truth to wash and renew our minds, peace in times of uncertainty and power against spirits of darkness and despair. In this message, we're exploring the complexity of mental health, and God’s desire for us to have a sound mind.

Asking For A Friend

Depression Mental Health


Is Eternity Real?

Pastor Wayne Brown • September 29

Is eternity really forever? What will we do in eternity? What will we do in eternity? These are just some of the questions many people have about the afterlife. In today's sermon, we're going to give you answers from a Biblical perspective.

Asking For A Friend

Eternity Heaven Hell

Filled to Witness

Pastor Jonathan Stockstill • September 22

In order to do anything in the Kingdom of God, we have to be first moved by the Holy Spirit! In today's message, we'll hear how you can practically be filled to share the gospel.

The Invitation

Evangelism The Holy Spirit

Your Divine Assignment

Pastor Larry Stockstill • September 8

Everyone has an assignment, whether that’s homework you do outside of class or your role in a job. Your assigned position matters, especially in the Kingdom of God. In todays message, we’ll explore what the Bible has to say about what our God-given assignment is and how to carry it out!

The Invitation

Evangelism Spiritual Gifts

But Where Is He Going?

Pastor Joakim Lundqvist • September 1

When we follow Jesus, we're following His heart for the lost. In this message, we'll be encouraged and inspired to keep that fire for the lost, which brings us close to God's heart.

Discipleship Evangelism


Choose a Focus

Pastor Jonathan Stockstill • August 25

There are so many choices to choose in life... in today's message, learn and be encouraged to FOCUS on God's Kingdom.

Faithful & Focused

Faith Fear Focus Kingdom of God

Focused On Finishing

Pastor Jonathan Stockstill • August 18

It's good to start but better to finish! In this message, we'll be encouraged to stay motivated and focused on winning the prize set before us.

Faithful & Focused

Endurance Focus Perseverance

The Faithful, Loyal Love of God

Pastor Jonathan Stockstill • August 11

Seasons change but God remains the same. In the midst of uncertain times, discover the covenant that God makes with us and how we can remain faithful to the Lord in everyday life.

Faithful & Focused

Character of God Covenant Faithfulness

Faithful in the House

Pastor Jonathan Stockstill • August 4

Faithfulness is the gold standard for God... in this message we'll talk through and be challenged yet encouraged to stay faithful in the house of the Lord.

Faithful & Focused

Accountability Faithfulness Purpose Servanthood Stewardship


Dark Days, Double Dose

Pastor Jonathan Stockstill • July 28

In this message, we'll explore and understand how in these dark days, we're called to be spiritually awake and discerning of what's right and wrong so we can better follow Christ.

Faithful & Focused

Faithfulness Perseverance Prayer

Oh My Goodness

Pastor Larry Stockstill • July 21

In this message, we'll hear from Pastor Larry Stockstill on how God wants to do exceedingly more than all we can ask, think, or imagine in our lives. God is GOOD!

Faith Healing Miracles

That's What Jesus Does

Gary Skinner • July 14

Join us as we hear from special guest speaker, Gary Skinner, the founder of Watoto Church in Uganda, who takes us through his powerful testimony and how God desires to use ordinary people to accomplish incredible things.

Compassion Outreach

Zeal: The X-Factor

Pastor Rob Mooney • July 7

What does it mean to have ZEAL and why is it important in helping us move on from our past? Find out in this last installment of "King Sized Lessons"!

King Sized Lessons

Faithfulness Passion Perseverance Zeal


Successfully Breaking Free

Pastor Joakim Lundqvist • June 30

This week we will take a look at King Josiah, who's father and grandfather did evil by erecting idol altars and worshipping Baal. But Josiah broke free from the paths of previous generations, and managed to turn himself and the entire nation around to the glory of God. Join us as we explore King Josiah's story and how it's the perfect manual to break free from the past.

King Sized Lessons

Freedom Purity

Profile of a Weak King

Pastor Larry Stockstill • June 23

In this sermon, we will study "King Ahab." He was a weak king and it made him a wicked king. We also have weaknesses but if we allow the Holy Spirit to take over our lives, we can be made strong, completely "re-made" by the power of God to conquer any battle thrown our way!

King Sized Lessons

Commitment Responsibility Temptation

Strategies for Battle

Pastor Wayne Brown • June 16

In this powerful sermon, "Strategies for Battle," Pastor Wayne Brown dives deep into the reality of spiritual warfare and equips us with biblical strategies to stand firm against the forces of darkness.

King Sized Lessons

Overcoming Praise Prayer Spiritual Warfare

The Perils of Pride

Pastor Jonathan Stockstill • June 9

Explore the spiritual and practical dangers of pride and how it can destroy our lives.

King Sized Lessons

Pride Humility

Beware of Division

Pastor Jonathan Stockstill • June 2

Division has been a tool of the enemy since the early days of the church, seeking to weaken our collective witness and disrupt the work of God's Kingdom. Join us as we explore biblical insights from Rehoboam and Jeroboam on why we must guard ourselves against any form of division and embrace unity.

King Sized Lessons

Division Unity Forgiveness


Trust in the Lord

Pastor Larry Stockstill • May 26

Our King Sized lesson today comes from “Hezekiah.” His name means to “become strong" or "trust in the Lord.” Hezekiah was a man who overcame his fears and learned to “jump” to the arms of the Lord. In today's message, let's learn to do the same!

King Sized Lessons

Faith Fear